A specific Bach flowers blend based on the original Rescue ® remedy created by the Dr Bach himself. :
Clématis : Helps to focus and be more efficient, brings back to reality.
Star of bethlehem : Consoles and brings moral comfort, balance and harmony.
Scleranthus : Balances emotional and physical states and gives the force to choose.
Rock rose : Brings back calm, gives the strength to face an emergency.
Impatiens : Helps regain a gentle, tolerant and forgiving attitude.
Crab apple : The cleansing remedy. Helps put things in perspective.
Cherry plum : Brings calm, inner-peace and sanity.
Essential oils :
Sauge Sclarée : Helps to ease off.
Mint : Regenerates ideas.
Lavander : Relaxes mind and body.
Exotic verbena : Calm down the excitement and anxiety